Additional Material
Genetic and Standardized Recombination Maps
With: Kong, A et al. Fine scale recombination rate differences between sexes, populations and individuals. Nature (28 October 2010).
Six genetic maps and nine standarized recombination maps are provided below. The carrier and noncarrier nomenclature refer to carriers and noncarriers of the composite PRDM9 14/15 repeat allele. Research using any of these fifteen maps should cite: Kong, A et al. Fine scale recombination rate differences between sexes, populations and individuals. Nature 467 , 1099–1103 (28 October 2010) doi:10.1038/nature09525.
Genetic maps: (click link to download)
Standardized recombination maps: (click link to download)
(click here to download a compressed .zip package with all fifteen maps and a README file)
Genetic Maps
Female (female.gmap, female_noncarrier.gmap, female_carrier.gmap) and male (male.gmap,male_noncarrier.gmap, male_carrier.gmap) genetic maps are provided. Note that female maps also contain genetic distances for the X chromosome.
Each file has a column header:
- chr – chromosome
- snp – SNP
- pos – base position of SNP in Build 36 coordinates
- cM – the estimated centiMorgan distance between this and the previous SNP (rounded to six decimal digits)
Although all of the SNPs used to construct the maps are listed, for each chromosome genetic distances are only estimated up to 2.5 Mb from the ends of the SNP coverage. SNPs in the end regions have their cM entries listed as NA.
Standardized Recombination Maps
Female (female.rmap, female_noncarrier.rmap, female_carrier.rmap), male (male.rmap, male_noncarrier.rmap, male_carrier.rmap) and sex-averaged (sex-averaged.rmap, sex-averaged_noncarrier.rmap, sex-averaged_carrier.rmap) standardized recombination maps are provided for the autosomes. The sex-averaged maps are the standardization of the average of the male and female maps.
Each file has a column header:
- chr – chromosome
- pos – base position of the 10 kb bin midpoint in Build 36 coordinates
- seqbin – 1 if the bin contains no unsequenced regions; 0 otherwise
- stdrate – standardized recombination rate for the bin (standardization is done with respect to the bins that contain no unsequenced regions – thus, although all bins have a standarized rate, the average rate is one for the 244,446 bins with no unsequenced regions) (rates are rounded to six decimal digits)
Regions less than 5 Mb from the ends of the SNP coverage are not included.