Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and their collaborators from the Icelandic healthcare system, University of Iceland, the Copenhagen University Biobank and the Danish Blood Donor Study, recently published a study in European Heart Journal, with...
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, 24 June, 2020. Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and their collaborators from the Icelandic healthcare system, University of Iceland and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, today publish a study in Nature, comparing over 30...
deCODE genetics and colleagues from the Max Planck Institute and universities in Denmark and Iceland today publish in Nature the first study to use whole-genome sequence data from across a population to shed light on the present-day legacy of interbreeding between...
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, April 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Scientists at deCODE genetics and colleagues from Iceland’s Directorate of Health and the National University Hospital today publish online in the New England Journal...
Highly diverse, understudied and not routinely screened for, Lp(a) — an alipoprotein(a) bound to an LDL cholesterol particle — may be the next most important serum risk factor after LDL itself Results provide population-based evidence in support of standardized...