Complete recombination map of the human-genome, a major step in genetics
Scientists at deCODE genetics/Amgen have constructed a complete map of how human DNA is mixed as it is passed down during reproduction. The map marks a major step in understanding genetic diversity and its impact on health and fertility. It continues 25 years of research at deCODE genetics into how new diversity is generated in the human genome, and its relationship to health and disease.

New AI method improves Gene Splicing Prediction
Scientists from deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and the University of Iceland have developed a new artificial intelligence method that enhances the accuracy of predicting RNA splicing, a fundamental process in gene regulation.

A rare missense variant that protects against asthma
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and collaborators have published a study in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reporting a rare missense variant in STAT6 that protects against asthma.

New Study Explores the Role of BMI in Disease Risk
A new study from deCODE genetics/Amgen highlights the importance of BMI in the pathogenesis of disease, suggesting that reducing BMI alone could lower the risk of several diseases.

Discovery of cancer risk associations for six novel genes
Scientists at deCODE genetics/Amgen, and their collaborators have discovered six novel genes with rare germline variants that associate with cancer risk. The findings are published today in Nature Genetics under the title “Gene-based burden tests of rare germline variants identify six cancer susceptibility genes.”

Eric K. Fernström Nordic Prize to Genetics Pioneer
Kári Stefánsson, professor at the University of Iceland and CEO of deCODE genetics, has been awarded one of the Nordic region’s most prestigious medical awards –Eric K. Fernström Foundation Nordic Prize. His work has revolutionized our understanding of genetic variation and its relationship to health and disease.

Sequence variants that affect IgG subclass levels
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and collaborators have published a study in Nature Communications reporting sequence variants that affect subclass levels of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in blood.

Three common variants increase the risk of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
A new study was published today in Jama Cardiology, by scientists at deCODE genetics/Amgen and collaborators, on the genetics of accessory conduction pathways in the heart (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome). It reveals that accessory pathways can cause rhythm disturbances, characterized by an overly fast heartbeat, which can be life-threatening.

Discovery of a rare genotype causing primary ovarian insufficiency
Scientists at deCODE genetics and collaborators, have identified a sequence variant in the CCDC201 gene that when inherited from both parents homozygous causes menopause on average nine years earlier.

Rare sequence variants, that are associated with a high risk of Parkinson‘s Disease
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of AMGEN, have discovered rare sequence variants, predicted to cause a loss of function of ITSN1, that are associated with a high risk of Parkinson‘s Disease. The findings also support less studied pathways involved in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Variants in the genome affect DNA methylation
A new study by scientists at deCODE Genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, shows that sequence variants drive the correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression. The same variants are linked to various diseases as well as other human traits.

The effect of a start codon variant in the LAG3 gene is akin to LAG-3 immune checkpoint inhibitors
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, have published a study in Nature Communications, comparing over 110 thousand patients with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) from Iceland, Finland, UK. and, USA with 1,1 million controls.

Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease: First identification of a strong recessive component
A new study from deCODE genetics and Collaborators is the first to uncover a strong recessive component in Alzheimer’s disease.

The rate, nature and transmission of mitochondrial DNA mutations in humans
A new study from deCODE genetics uses pedigrees and sequence data from 64,806 Icelanders to shed light on the rate and nature of mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the peculiar dynamics of its maternal transmission.

New study reveales 12 sequence variants that affect the risk of ET
Scientists at deCODE genetics and their collaborators have revealed 12 sequence variants that affect the risk of ET, (Essential tremor) providing important insights into its pathogenesis.

A sequence variant that increases risk of pregnancy loss
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and their collaborators from Iceland, Denmark, and the USA published a study today in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology titled “Variant in the synaptonemal complex protein SYCE2 associates with pregnancy loss through effects on recombination”.

GIPR Gene does not affect bone health
The results from a large collaborative effort show that variants in the GIPR gene are not associated with an increased risk of fracture or lowered BMD.

A study of the genetics of pericarditis increases understanding of newly approved drug treatment
Sequence variants that protect against pericarditis have been discovered at a genomic locus encoding interleukin-1 immune cytokines. A newly approved drug treatment for pericarditis inhibits these cytokines and new a study from deCODE genetics and collaborators can contribute to the further development of this treatment.

1 in 25 carries a genotype that is associated with a shortened lifespan
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, have published a study on actionable genotypes detected in the Icelandic population and their association with lifespan. The results of this study are among the things that have motivated the government of Iceland to announce a nationwide effort in precision medicine.

Epidemiology and Genetics of Clonal Hematopoiesis, a Premalignant Hematopoietic Stem Cell Condition
A comprehensive new study from deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, published today in Nature Genetics, provides insights into the epidemiology and somatic and germline genetics of clonal hematopoiesis. Whole genome sequence data from Iceland and the UK Biobank, combined with a unique somatic mutation Barcoding strategy, was used to investigate clonal hematopoiesis at the population scale.

A large International study of migraine reveals new biological pathways for treatment
A large international study led by deCODE Genetics on the genetics of migraine provides novel insights into the biology of migraine enabling detection of rare variants protecting against migraine, opening an avenue for potential development of novel drug targets.

Large-scale proteomics in population-based studies from UK and Iceland
In a paper released today, deCODE Genetics’ scientists shared their findings from a plasma proteomics study performed using affinity-based methods. They analyzed the proteins in the context of diseases and diversity in the sequence of the genome and compared measurements made using two platforms of thousands of proteins in samples from large groups from the UK Biobank and Iceland.

Variants in the genome interact with each other and with the environment to affect risk of cardiovascular disease
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and their collaborators from the Icelandic healthcare system and Copenhagen University, published a study today in the journal Cell titled “Complex effects of sequence variants on lipid levels and coronary artery disease”. The work described in the paper is based on searching for variants in the genome that are associated with variance in quantitative traits and the assumption that those variants must interact either with other variants or components of the environment.

Protein score from a single plasma sample, predicts atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
deCODE genetics and its collaborators employed AI to develop a protein score to predict major atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease events

Size matters: Head circumference/intracranial volume correlates with volumes of cortical and sub-cortical regions, cognition, learning, and neurological traits.
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, in collaboration with scientists at the National University Hospital of Iceland, have uncovered thirty novel sequence variants impacting human intracranial volume.

Knowledge that can improve identification and risk stratification of a heart disorder that can cause sudden cardiac death
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, in collaboration with researchers at the National University Hospital of Iceland, have published a study on a cardiac electrical abnormality that can potentially result in sudden cardiac death.

First genetic locus for voice pitch
A study from deCODE genetics reveals the first genetic locus for voice pitch.

Introducing Human Data Era, a New Serial Podcast from Amgen
Join host Ray Deshaies, Amgen’s senior vice president of Global Research, who speaks with dr Kári Stefánsson, M.D., founder, of deCODE genetics about the Role of Human Diversity in Progressing Precision Medicine.

Multiomics study of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Scientists at deCODE genetics in Iceland have discovered rare, protective loss-of-function variants that point to potential drug targets for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

CRTAC1 is a promising biomarker of osteoarthritis
CRTAC1 in plasma is a specific biomarker of osteoarthritis, a measure of OA risk, and a predictor of progression to joint replacements. The lack of a biomarker of osteoarthritis (OA) has hindered the development of effective therapies for this common disease.

First report from the world’s most ambitious sequencing project
Scientists at deCODE genetics a subsidiary of Amgen, together with collaborators from Denmark report on the whole genome sequences of 150 thousand participants in the UK biobank in a paper published in the journal Nature today.

25th anniversary of deCODE genetics
DeCODE genetics celebrated its 25th anniversary with a two day conference in Reykjavik on the 18 and 18th of May.

Multiomics analysis of rheumatoid arthritis yields sequence variants that have large effects on risk of the seropositive subset
Scientists at deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, have together with their Nordic collaborators published the largest genome-wide association study to date on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, including over thirty thousand cases and one million controls.

DeCODE genetics publishes the largest ever study of the plasma proteome
In a study published in Nature genetics, scientists at deCODE genetics demonstrate how measuring the levels of a large number of proteins in plasma at population scale when combined with data on sequence diversity and RNA expression dramatically increases insights into human diseases and other phenotypes.

New study on inheritance and fetal growth
Scientists from deCODE genetics have mapped 243 sequence variants affecting fetal growth, separating maternal genome and fetal genome. It sheds light on the relationships between hypertension, diabetes and fetal growth

New biomarker for osteoarthritis
Scientists at deCODE genetics have found a new biomarker for osteoarthritis, that outperforms previously reported biomarkers and is an independent predictor of disease.

Predicting the probability of death
Scientists from deCODE genetics have developed a predictor based on protein measurements in blood samples that predicts the time to all-cause death better than traditional risk factors.

Rounding off the human genome
In a study published today, scientists at deCODE Genetics demonstrate for the first time how long-read DNA sequencing can be applied at population scale to unravel large structural variants that associate with human disease and other traits.

Monozygous but not identical
By sequencing the germline genomes of twins and comparing them to those of close relatives, scientists at deCODE genetics found mutations that are present in just one of the monozygotic twins and traced them back to the first days after conception.

Titers of antibodies against SARS-CoV2 do not decline within four months
Scientists at deCODE genetics and their collaborators, have published a study in The New England Journal of Medicine, that shows that antiviral antibodies against SARS-CoV2 do not decline within four months of diagnosis.

Dietary cholesterol and phytosterols contribute directly to heart disease
Genetic variability in cholesterol and phytosterol absorption affects cardiovascular disease risk

Loss of function variant in FLT3 strongly increases the risk of autoimmune thyroid disease and other autoimmune diseases
The combination of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics sheds light on autoimmune thyroid disease, other autoimmune diseases and AML

Icelandic Genomes Elucidate Neanderthal Heritage of Europeans
Archaic genetic fragments comprising nearly half the Neanderthal genome are circulating in the European gene pool today.
The average European carries more than 500 such archaic fragments, including SNPs linked to prostate cancer risk, iron retention, blood clotting speed, and height

Iceland Provides a Picture of the Early Spread of COVID-19 in a Population With a Cohesive Public Health Response
Study combines the most intensive targeted testing and general screening of any population to date with comprehensive sequencing of the virus from all identified cases, to trace its mutation and spread
Results underscore the effectiveness and necessity of aggressive testing, isolation of cases and physical distancing, as well as the urgency of more testing to contain the virus and disease
Beyond Cholesterol: Landmark deCODE Study Elucidates Role of Lipoprotein(a) as Major Risk Factor for Heart Disease
Highly diverse, understudied and not routinely screened for, Lp(a) — an alipoprotein(a) bound to an LDL cholesterol particle — may be the next most important serum risk factor after LDL itself Results provide population-based evidence in support of standardized...

deCODE in Iceland agrees to sequence half of UK Biobank participants
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, 11. September. 2019. deCODE genetics in Iceland has entered into an agreement with a consortium of government, charity, researchers and world leading biopharmaceutical and healthcare companies to undertake whole genome sequencing of UK Biobank...

Kári Stefánsson elected to National Academy of Science
Kári Stefánsson, the founder and CEO of deCODE Genetics, now a subsidiary of Amgen, has been elected to the National Academy of Science (NAS). Election to the academy is one of the highest honors in the field of science and a recognition reserved for individuals whose careers are distinguished by original and continuing achievements in their areas of research.

Leaders of Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine
Kári Stefánsson CEO of deCODE genetics seeks to unite Nordic researchers in genetic research to support more precise and personalised medical treatment . The Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine (NSHG-PM) has chosen its inaugural leadership....
deCODE Publishes the First Full Resolution Genetic Map of the Human Genome
A whole genome sequence-based portrait of how the two basic mechanisms generating human diversity work Elucidates how women and men contribute differently to diversity; how the genome promotes and regulates diversity; and the link between the generation of diversity...
A variant that protects against nasal polyps and chronic rhinosinusitis
Scientists at deCODE genetics have found a variant that protects against nasal polyps and chronic rhinosinusitis. The study was published on the 14th of January in the online edition of Nature genetics. Nasal polyps are non-malignant, typically bilateral growths on...
When Memory Wanes
The Making of a Human Population Uncovered Through Ancient Icelandic Genomes
In a study published today, scientists at deCODE Genetics report new findings about the founding of the Icelandic population, and its subsequent evolution, based on ancient DNA. The study appears today in the online edition of Science. Iceland was settled around 1100...
The Nature of Nurture – deCODE Study Highlights the Important Role of Genes in Nurture
In a study published tomorrow, researchers at deCODE genetics demonstrate that parental genes, both those that are transmitted to the child and those not transmitted, can affect the child’s fate through their impact on the parents and the kind...
deCODE Study Reveals an Ancient Achilles Heel in the Human Genome
The generation of new mutations is a key driver of evolution but also of susceptibility to rare diseases Fathers pass on four times as many new mutations as mothers do, but the maternal contribution is particularly strong in 10% of the genome that is prone to...
The American Society of Human Genetics honors Kári Stefánsson with William Allan Award
The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) has named Kári Stefánsson, MD, founder of deCODE genetics, the 2017 recipient of the annual William Allan Award. The William Allan Award is the top prize given by the ASHG and recognises a scientist for substantial and...
deCODE study shows that variants in the sequence of the genome that contribute to educational attainment are under negative selection
In a study published today, scientists at deCODE genetics use genomic and genealogical data from across the population of Iceland over many decades to show that people who carry sequence variations linked to higher levels of education have fewer children than average....
deCODE genetics study shows that human genetic diversity is the outcome of a battle between the sexes
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, 19 September 2016 – In a new study, researchers at deCODE genetics have used their unique population data resources to shed new light on the processes which continuously shape the diversity of the human genome. In previous studies, they...
Landmark deCODE genetics Study Points to a New Mechanism that Affects Cholesterol Levels and The Risk of Heart Disease
Analyzes genome, cholesterol and heart disease data from 700,000 people in seven countries Individuals with a rare twelve-letter deletion from a gene on chromosome 17 have significantly reduced non-HDL cholesterol levels and a 35% lower than average risk of heart...
Beyond LDL: deCODE Population-wide Study in Iceland Refines Understanding of Link Between Cholesterol and Heart Disease
Analyzes whole genome and detailed clinical data from nearly 300,000 Icelanders Finds several novel variations in the sequence of the human genome modulating cholesterol levels Five variants are also causally linked to increased risk of coronary artery disease Shows...
The Genetics of Thinking Differently: deCODE Uncovers Shared Roots of Psychosis and Creativity
A multinational study of data from 130,000 people shows that inherited risk factors for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder also predict participation in the arts and creative professions REYKJAVIK, Iceland, 8 June 2015 – A study led by scientists at deCODE genetics...
The Genomic Portrait of a Nation
The largest studies of whole-genome data ever published reveal the power of the sequencing revolution for understanding the roots of disease, diversity and evolution: The most comprehensive population-wide tally to date of sequence variation A nationwide collection of...
deCODE genetics Uncovers Impact of Mutations in The Human Genome on Cognitive Ability
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Dec. 18, 2013 - deCODE genetics, a global leader in analyzing and understanding the human genome, reported today in the journal Nature that mutations associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia and autism also affect cognition in individuals...
A Mutation Discovered in Iceland that Increases Risks of Osteoporosis and Certain Cancers
Nature Published Study Illustrates Value of Big Data Research Methods deCODE genetics (an Amgen subsidiary) and Illumina, global leaders in analyzing and understanding the human genome, together with scientists from the National Hospital of Iceland and the University...
Amgen to Acquire deCODE Genetics, a Global Leader in Human Genetics
deCODE Genetics Will Provide Amgen With an Industry-Leading Ability to Identify and Validate Disease Targets in Human Populations THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. and REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Dec. 10, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Amgen (NASDAQ:AMGN) and deCODE Genetics today announced that...
deCODE Genetics, Multinational Research Team Find Gene Variant Conferring High Risk for Common, Late-Onset Form of Alzheimer’s Disease
Findings Published in New England Journal of Medicine Provide New Focus for Drug Discovery Study Demonstrates Power of “Big Data” Research REYKJAVIK, Iceland - deCODE Genetics and Illumina, global leaders in analyzing and understanding the human genome, together with...
deCODE Genetics Study Finds Father’s Age—Not Mother’s Critical to New Mutations Passed to Offspring
Nature Published Study Signals Rise in Autism Spectrum Disorder May Be Partially Tied to Increasing Age of Fathers at Time When Children are Conceived deCODE Genetics, a global leader in analyzing and understanding the human genome, in collaboration with Illumina, a...
deCODE Genetics Discovers Mutation Conferring Protection Against Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Decline in Elderly
Study Indicates Link Between Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease Results Support Drug Development of BACE1 Inhibitors for Alzheimer’s Disease Reykjavik, ICELAND, July 11, 2012 – deCODE Genetics, a global leader in analyzing and understanding the...
deCODE Genetics, in Collaboration with Academic Colleagues, Discovers Three Variants in the Sequence of the Human Genome that Affect the Risk of Thyroid Cancer
Reykjavik, ICELAND, 22 January 2012 – Scientists at deCODE Genetics and academic collaborators from Iceland, the USA, The Netherlands and Spain today report the discovery of variants in the human genome that associate with levels of thyroid stimulating hormone and...
deCODE Announces Agreement with Pfizer to Search for Variants in the Human Genome that Confer Risk of Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
Reykjavik, ICELAND, 12 October 2011 – deCODE genetics today announced that it has entered into a research collaboration with Pfizer Inc., the objective of which is to discover sequence variants associated with specific clinical phenotypes related to Systemic Lupus...
deCODE Genetics, in Collaboration with Academic Colleagues and Illumina, Discovers Two Rare Variants that Affect the Risk of Gout and Serum Uric Acid Levels
Reykjavik, ICELAND, 9 October 2011 – Scientists at deCODE Genetics and academic collaborators from Iceland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and the USA today report the discovery of low frequency variants in the human genome that associate with risk of gout, a common...
deCODE Genetics, in Collaboration with Academic Colleagues and Illumina, Discovers Mutations Conferring High Risk of Ovarian Cancer
Scientists at deCODE Genetics and academic collaborators from Iceland, The Netherlands, Spain and Finland today report the discovery of variants in the human genome that associate with increased risk of invasive ovarian cancer, one of the deadliest forms of cancer in...
deCODE genetics, Together with Academic Collaborators and Illumina, Discovers Genetic Risk Factor for Skin, Prostate and Brain Cancers
Reykjavik, ICELAND, 25 September 2011 – Scientists at deCODE Genetics and academic collaborators from Iceland, The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, the USA, the UK and Romania today report the discovery of a variant in the sequence of the human genome...
deCODE Discovers Genetic Risk Factor for Sick Sinus Syndrome
Reykjavik, ICELAND, 6 March 2011 – Scientists at deCODE genetics and academic colleagues from Iceland, The Netherlands, Denmark, USA and Illumina, Inc., today report the discovery of single-letter variants (SNPs) in the sequence of the human genome associated with...
deCODE discovers genetic markers that improve the power of PSA testing for detecting Prostate Cancer
Analysis of four SNPs, in tandem with genetic risk factors detected by the deCODE ProstateCancer™ test, yields substantial improvement in efficacy of PSA screening Reykjavik, ICELAND, 15 December 2010 – Scientists from deCODE genetics and academic colleagues from...
The New deCODE Map of the Human Genome
The most detailed template yet of the different ways in which women and men, individuals and populations, are driving one of the main motors of evolution. Reykjavik, ICELAND, 27 October 2010 – Scientists from deCODE genetics today publish in Nature the highest...
Not only Size Matters: Genetic Megastudies Draw out Distinctions between Obesity and Waist-Hip Ratio
Independent of obesity itself, WHR is a key indicator of risk of diabetes, heart disease and mortality, and appears to be regulated differently in women and men Reykjavik, ICELAND, 11 October 2010 – In two of the largest metastudies of their kind to date, scientists...
deCODE Validates Genetic Risk Factors for Osteoporosis in Chinese and Korean Populations
Study is part of broad effort to make genetic risk factors discovered in one part of the world relevant to people of other continental ancestries Reykjavik, ICELAND, 7 October 2010 – In a study published today, scientists at deCODE genetics and academic colleagues in...
deCODE Discovers Major Genetic Risk Factor for the most Common Form of Glaucoma
SNP on chromosome 7 is rare among Chinese but confers five-fold increase in risk; underscores importance of analyzing risk factors across continental ancestries Reykjavik, ICELAND, 13 September 2010 – Scientists at deCODE genetics and academic colleagues from Iceland,...
deCODE Shows How Genetic Risk of Kidney Disease Frames Response to Environmental Risk over Time
A SNP on chromosome 16 appears to confer risk by affecting how the renal system adapts to the impact of aging and the onset of other common diseases Reykjavik, ICELAND, 29 July 2010 – Scientists at deCODE genetics and colleagues at Radboud University in the...
Found in Translation: deCODE Maps Asian Breast Cancer Risk Factor in Women of African and European Descent
Reykjavik, ICELAND, 23 July 2010 – In a paper published today in PLoS Genetics, a deCODE-led team demonstrates an effective approach for making genetic risk factors discovered on one continent fully relevant to people of various continental ancestries. The strategy,...
ARUP Laboratories Ink Partnership To Offer deCODE ProstateCancer™ Test
U.S. laboratories and physicians will be able to use their ARUP accounts to order deCODE’s test for assessing risk of prostate cancer Reykjavik, ICELAND, and Salt Lake City, UTAH,– July 20, 2010 – deCODE genetics and ARUP Laboratories today announced a partnership...
deCODE Discovers Genetic Risk Factor Linking Susceptibility to Four Major Vascular Diseases
Points to novel pathway for drug discovery, will be incorporated into tests to improve screening and early detection of abdominal aortic aneurysm, heart attack and PAD Reykjavik, ICELAND, 11 July 2010 – Scientists at deCODE genetics and academic colleagues from the...
Smoking: New Genetic Factors Behind Nicotine Dependence and Lung Cancer
Reykjavik, ICELAND, April 25, 2010 – Cigarette smoking is a major cause of illness and death worldwide. But it is a complex behavior, and how much people smoke, how hard they find it to quit, and the impact of long-term smoking on health varies greatly among...
deCODE and Radboud Discovery in Bladder Cancer May Link Disease Risk and Somatic Mutations in Tumors
Reykjavik, ICELAND and Nijmegen, THE NETHERLANDS, March 29, 2010 – Sequence variants associated with cancer have to date fallen into two distinct categories. Variants in the ordinary, or “germline,” sequence of the genome that is passed between generations were linked...
Announcing the New deCODE
Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 21, 2010 – deCODE genetics ehf today emerged as a newly financed, private company focused on advancing the science of human genetics and its application to products and services that improve human health. The new company will be building on...
Novel SNPs modulate ECG measurements including heart rate, two are also risk factors for atrial fibrillation and will be integrated into deCODE AF™ test
Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 10, 2010 – Scientists at deCODE genetics today report the discovery of seven novel and common single-letter variations in the sequence of the human genome (SNPs) that are involved in modulating the electrical impulses that govern the...
deCODE Discovers A Major Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes Dependent on Parent of Origin
A single SNP that confers increased risk if inherited from the father, but is protective if inherited from the mother Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 16, 2009 – Scientists at deCODE genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq:DCGN) publish in the journal Nature the discovery of a version of...
Multinational Metastudy Identifies New Genetic Variations Contributing to Risk of Osteoporosis
Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 4, 2009 – Scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from seven countries today report the discovery of several novel, common single-letter variations in the sequence of the human genome (SNPs) contributing to...
deCODE Discovers Four New Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
Findings further increase power of DNA-based testing to identify men at substantially increased risk, and will be integrated into the deCODE ProstateCancer™ test Reykjavik, ICELAND, September 20, 2009 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that a team of its...
deCODE Discovers Second Common Genetic Risk Factor for Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke
Will be integrated into deCODE AF™ DNA-based risk assessment test, and into the deCODEme™ and deCODEme Cardio™ scans Reykjavik, ICELAND, July 13, 2009 – Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and colleagues from Europe and the United States today report the...
It’s Not Just the Sun: deCODE Discovers Sequence Variants Affecting Susceptibility to Skin Cancer
New risk factors for basal cell carcinoma that are independent of fair pigmentation; findings to be integrated into deCODEme™ and deCODEme Cancer™ scans Reykjavik, ICELAND, July 6, 2009 – Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from Europe...
Findings expand knowledge of the biology of the disease and provide potential new drug targets
Reykjavik, ICELAND, July 1, 2009 – The largest study of the genetics of schizophrenia ever undertaken has revealed several new common single-letter variants in the sequence of the human genome (SNPs) linked to risk of the disease. The study, by a multinational...
deCODE Discovers a Gene Linked to Risk of Kidney Stones and Osteoporosis
Findings offer promising target for drugs to better regulate calcium metabolism, are integrated into deCODEme™ Reykjavik, ICELAND, June 29, 2009 – A discovery by scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from Iceland, the Netherlands and...
deCODE Genotyping Laboratory Receives College of American Pathologists Accreditation
Underscores quality of deCODE’s laboratory and tests, fulfilling key federal and state certification requirements and broadening marketing channels Reykjavik, ICELAND, May 20, 2009 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that its CLIA-registered DNA isolation...
deCODE Study Shows Complex Interplay of the Human Biological Clock with Height, Weight and Disease
Reykjavik, ICELAND, May 17, 2009 – In a paper published today in the online edition of Nature Genetics, scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from Iceland, Denmark and the Netherlands present the discovery of single letter variations in...
deCODE and Celera Partner to Expand Use of deCODE Risk Markers for Heart Attack, Stroke and Diabetes
Reykjavik, ICELAND, and Alameda, CA - April 23, 2009 – deCODE genetics (NASDAQ:DCGN) and Celera Corporation (NASDAQ:CRA) today announced the signing of agreements under which deCODE has granted Celera non-exclusive worldwide licenses to deCODE’s genetic markers for...
deCODE Receives California Clinical Laboratory License
Californians can now enjoy the benefits of deCODE’s market-leading DNA-based disease risk assessment tests and pioneering deCODEme™ genome scans Reykjavik, ICELAND, February 19, 2009 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has received a clinical...
Multinational deCODE Study Identifies New Link Between Inflammation and Heart Attack
Genetic variants influencing white blood cell counts are linked to increased risk of heart attack and asthma; variants are being integrated into deCODEme™ Reykjavik, ICELAND, February 9, 2009 – In a paper published today, scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN)...
deCODE Breakthrough in Thyroid Cancer May Enable More Targeted Risk Asessment and Earlier Intervention
Reykjavik, ICELAND, February 6, 2009 – Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today present the discovery of two single letter variations in the sequence of the human genome (SNPs) conferring substantial increased risk of thyroid cancer. The two SNPs, located on...
deCODEme™ Takes on Heart Disease in February
deCODEme Cardio™ scan offered at $100 during American heart Month; CEO Kari Stefansson to appear on The Martha Stewart Show this Thursday, February 5th Reykjavik, ICELAND, February 3, 2009 – To mark American Heart Month, deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced...
deCODE Discovers First Genetic Variant Conferring Increased Risk of Essential Tremor
Finding points directly to a promising target for drug development and has already been integrated into the deCODEme™ genome analysis service Reykjavik, ICELAND, February 2, 2009 – Scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today report the discovery of the first...
A Milestone in Cancer Genetics: deCODE Discovers First Common Genetic Variants Affecting the Risk of Many Types of Cancer
Findings point to common mechanisms of susceptibility to cancers of the lung, bladder, prostate, cervix and skin; findings to be integrated into deCODEme™, the new deCODEme Cancer Scan™, and deCODE’s DNA-based risk diagnostic tests Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 19, 2009...
Introducing deCODEme Cardio™ and deCODEme Cancer™
Focused Genetic Scans Offer Individuals a New Way to Better Understand their Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Common Cancers Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 18, 2009 – Through deCODEme™, the world’s first first retail genome analysis service, deCODE genetics...
Stories from Our Foremothers: deCODE Publishes an Unparalleled Genetic Snapshot of Iceland 1000 Years Ago
Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 16, 2009 – In a paper published today scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) present the results of the largest study of ancient DNA from a single population ever undertaken. Analyzing mitochondrial DNA, which is passed from mother to...
deCODE Discovers Common Genetic Variations Contributing to Low Bone Mineral Density and Risk of Osteoporosis
Findings point to potential therapeutic pathways and provide widening basis for the development of a risk assessment test Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 15, 2008 – Scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and colleagues from Australia and Denmark today report the...
Major deCODE-led Study Underscores Role of the Brain in Obesity
New genetic variants linked to obesity are being integrated into the deCODEme™ personal genome analysis service Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 14, 2008 – In one of the largest studies of its kind, a multinational team led by scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN)...
deCODE to Integrate New Genetic Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes into its deCODEme Personal Genome Scan Service
Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 8, 2008 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the discovery by an international consortium of scientists from deCODE and major European and US academic institutions of a single letter variation in the human genome (SNP) that is...
Major Independent Study Underscores Utility of deCODE MI™ for Better Predicting Risk of Heart Attack, Informing Statin Therapy
Reykjavik, ICELAND, November 11, 2008 – In a presentation today at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2008, clinicians and researchers from Baylor College of Medicine have presented data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study,...
deCODE Requests Hearing With Nasdaq Following Receipt of Staff Determination Letter
Reykjavik, ICELAND, November 4, 2008 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced today that it has requested a hearing before a Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel to present a plan for regaining compliance with Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 4450(b)(1)(A), which...
deCODE genetics Announces Webcast of Conference Call to Discuss Third Quarter 2008 Financial Results
Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 28, 2008 - deCODE genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it will report its third quarter 2008 financial results in a press release to be issued on Thursday, November 6, after the close of the market in New York. The company will...
deCODE Discovery Sheds Light on Risk of the Most Common Form of Skin Cancer
Latest discoveries add to understanding of individual risk of basal cell carcinoma, and are integrated into the deCODEme™ personal genome analysis scan Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 13, 2008 – Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today report the discovery of...
deCODE Launches deCODE BreastCancer™, a Genetic Test to Screen for Risk of the Most Common Forms of Breast Cancer
Enables women to understand whether they may benefit from more intensive screening, monitoring or preventive drug therapy Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 8, 2008 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the launch of deCODE BreastCancer™, a new tool for assessing...
deCODE Files IND for DG071, a Novel PDE4 Modulator Being Developed for Alzheimer’s and Other Cognitive Disorders
Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 3, 2008 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the filing of an investigational new drug (IND) application for DG071, the company’s novel small-molecule modulator of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), with the US Food and Drug...
deCODE and Radboud University Discover Common Variants in the Human Genome Conferring Risk of Bladder Cancer
Detection may be used to complement and target screening for the disease; variants will be integrated into the deCODEme™ personal genome scan. Reykjavik, ICELAND, September 14, 2008 – Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and colleagues at Radboud University...
New deCODE Analytical Tool Multiplies Power to Discover Rare Genetic Risk Factors for Common Diseases
A cost-effective method to enable deCODE to extend its leadership in gene discovery to the next challenge in developing market-leading DNA-based diagnostics August 17, 2008 – deCODE has developed a novel analytical method to increase severalfold the amount of...
deCODE and SGENE Consortium Discover Deletions in the Human Genome Linked to Risk of Schizophrenia
Findings may provide the foundation for a test to complement standard clinical diagnosis, potentially enabling earlier intervention and treatment Reykjavik, ICELAND, July 30, 2008 – In a major paper published today in the online edition of the journal Nature,...
DG041 Blocks Platelet Aggregation Through a Novel Mechanism and does not Increase Bleeding Time When Given Alone or With Plavix™ or Aspirin
DG041 Blocks Platelet Aggregation Through a Novel Mechanism and does not Increase Bleeding Time When Given Alone or with Plavix™ or Aspirin Reykjavik, ICELAND, June 30, 2008 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced positive topline results from its latest...
Marketing of Diagnostics and deCODEme™, Recent Progress in Drug Development to be Highlighted at deCODE R&D Event
Reykjavik, ICELAND, June 30, 2008 ― At its annual R&D event being held today in New York, deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) will provide an update on progress in all aspects of its business, including the commercial potential and marketing rollout for its growing range of...
deCODE Discovers Novel Genetic Link Between Pigmentation Traits and Risk of Skin Cancer
Discoveries help to detail how some fair coloring traits contribute to risk of skin cancer; findings will be integrated into the deCODEme™ service Reykjavik, ICELAND, May 18, 2008 – In two papers published today, deCODE scientists and academic colleagues from Europe...
deCODE Discovers Genetic Variants Influencing Bone Mineral Density
Findings underscore deCODE’s ability to identify genetic risk factors in the most complex traits, and have been integrated into the deCODEme™ service Reykjavik, ICELAND, April 29, 2008 – In a paper published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, a team of...
deCODE Lauds Federal Legislation to Ban Discrimination on the Basis of Genetic Information
Reykjavik, ICELAND, April 25, 2008 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today expressed its enthusiastic support for the Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act (GINA), a bill that, many years in the making, is now moving swiftly through Congress and is expected to be...
deCODE Identifies Novel Regions of the Genome that Affect Normal Adult Height
April 6, 2008 – Scientists at deCODE genetics have identified 27 regions in the human genome that affect adult height. These variants, which are published today in the online edition of Nature Genetics, together explain an estimated 4% percent of the normal population...
A Smoking Gene: deCODE Shows How a Single Variant in the Sequence of the Genome Confers Nicotine Dependence and Risk of Lung Cancer and Other Disease
Reykjavik, ICELAND, April 02, 2008 – Cigarette smoking is a major public health problem that contributes to millions of deaths around the world each year. While the health risks of smoking are well known, relatively little is known about why some people are...
deCODE Obesity Study Sheds Light on how Genetics Affect Risk and Onset of Common Diseases
Reykjavik, ICELAND, March 16, 2008 – In a paper published online today in the journal Nature, a team of deCODE scientists detail a major mechanism through which genetic factors contribute to major public health problems. In its work on the inherited components of...
deCODE launches a DNA-based test for assessing risk of prostate cancer on the back of the discovery of new prostate cancer genes
New risk variants published today will also be folded into deCODEme™ Reykjavik, ICELAND, February 10, 2008 - deCODE genetics (Nasdaq: DCGN) today announced the launch of deCODE PrCa™, a reference laboratory test for common, single-letter variations in the human genome...
deCODE Links Closer Kinship with Reproductive Success
Phenomenon could have long-term impact on population growth in urbanizing societies Reykjavik, February 7, 2008 – In a paper published today deCODE scientists establish a substantial and consistent positive correlation between the kinship of couples and the number of...
deCODE Discovers Gene Variants that May Help to Distribute the Work of Evolution between Men and Women
Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 31, 2008 – Scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today report the discovery of two common, single-letter variants in the sequence of the human genome (SNPs) that regulate one of the principle motors of evolution. Versions of the two...
Positive Results from Phase IIa Study Pave Way for Phase IIb Trial of DG051 for the Prevention of Heart Attack
Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 9, 2008 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced positive topline results from its Phase IIa clinical trial for DG051, the company’s leukotriene A4 hydrolase inhibitor being developed for the prevention of heart attack. With these...
Not only lipids and inflammation: Insight into a new cause of heart attack and other vascular disease
Reykjavik, January 6, 2008 – deCODE scientists today report that the genetic variant on chromosome 9p21 that the company has linked to increased risk of heart attack is also associated with up to 70% increase in risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and intracranial...
deCODE Announces Availability of deCODEme™ Subscription Gift Certificates ™
Give the holiday gift that can unlock the genome Reykjavik, ICELAND, Dec. 19, 2007 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the availability of deCODEme™ gift certificates that allow individuals to give the gift that enables friends and family to get a detailed...
deCODE Launches deCODEme™
The company that has led in the discovery of genes that confer risk of common diseases is empowering individuals to explore their own genome Reykjavik, ICELAND, Nov. 16, 2007 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the launch of deCODEme™, a pioneering service...
deCODE genetics Showcases DNA-based Diagnostics at American Heart Association Annual Meeting
Tests Detect Major Common Genetic Risk Factors for Heart Attack and Stroke Orlando, Florida, November 4-7, 2007 - At this year's Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) is presenting its newly launched DNA-based risk...
deCODE Discovers Genetic Variants Influencing Skin, Eye and Hair Color
Scientists at deCODE genetics and colleagues in Iceland and Holland today report the discovery of variations in the human genome that influence pigmentation of hair, eyes and skin. By studying more than 300,000 SNPs (single-letter variants in the human genome) across...
deCODE Launches deCODE MI™ – A Test for a Major Genetic Risk Factor for Early-onset Heart Attack
deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the launch of deCODE MI™, a reference laboratory test for variations in the genome (called SNPs) that the company has associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction, or heart attack. The SNPs are located on...
deCODE Launches Phase II Clinical Testing of DG051 for the Prevention of Heart Attack
deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has begun enrolling patients for its Phase IIa clinical trial for DG051, the company’s leukotriene A4 hydrolase inhibitor being developed for the prevention of heart attack. In Phase I studies completed earlier...
deCODE Discovers Cause of Major Subtype of Glaucoma
In a paper published today in the journal Science, scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from the National University Hospital in Reykjavik and Uppsala University in Sweden report the discovery of two common single letter variations...
deCODE Gene Discovery Points to New Approach for Treating Major Sleep Disorder
Reykjavik, Iceland, July 18, 2007 - Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) in collaboration with colleagues from Emory University today report the discovery of the first variant in the sequence of the human genome ever linked to risk of Restless Legs Syndrome...
deCODE Discovers Gene Variant that Confers Risk of Prostate Cancer and Protects Against Type 2 Diabetes
In a paper published today, a team of scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from Europe and the United States report the discovery of two single letter variations (SNPs) on chromosome 17 associated with increased risk of prostate...
deCODE Discovers a Variation in the Sequence of the Genome Conferring Risk of Atrial Fibrillation Launches deCODE AF™, A Test for the Risk Variant Aimed at the Prevention of Stroke
A paper published today in the journal Nature describes the discovery by scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN), in collaboration with academic colleagues in Iceland, the United States, Sweden and China, of two common single-letter variations in the genome (SNPs)...
Positive Clinical Results for DG041 Lead Product Development Highlights at deCODE R &D Event
Recent clinical studies support the development of DG041 as an effective anti-platelet that does not increase bleeding risk deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced progress in the development of DG041, the company’s Phase II developmental compound for the...
deCODE Discovers Common Genetic Variants Linked to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
In a paper published today, a team of scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from Europe and the United States report the discovery of two novel and very common genetic variants linked to susceptibility to breast cancer. The variants are...
deCODE Identifies Novel Genetic Variant Associated with Increased Risk of Heart Attack
Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and academic colleagues from the United States today report the discovery of a common genetic variant that confers increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI), or heart attack. The variant, a SNP (a single-letter variant in...
deCODE Announces Positive Topline Results for Phase I Study of DG051 for the Prevention of Heart Attack
deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced positive top-line results from its Phase I multiple dose clinical trial of DG051, which the company is developing for the prevention of heart attack. In the study, a randomized, double-blind, multi-dose, ascending dose,...
deCODE Launches deCODE T2™, a Novel DNA-based Test for Assessing Inherited Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
deCODE genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the launch of deCODE T2™, a novel DNA-based reference laboratory test for the first common and well-validated genetic risk factor for type 2 diabetes (T2D). deCODE believes this test may provide an important means to...
deCODE Discovers Second Major Prostate Cancer Risk Variant on Chromosome 8q24
First publication of genome-wide association study leveraging deCODE’s population approach; Finding to be integrated into deCODE’s DNA-based diagnostics program A team of deCODE scientists, along with academic colleagues from the United States, Iceland, Spain and the...
deCODE Initiates Phase I Clinical Program for DG051 for the Prevention of Heart Attack
deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has begun enrolling patients in its Phase I clinical development program for DG051, the company’s follow-on developmental compound for the prevention of heart attack. The ascending-dose, double-blind, randomized,...
deCODE Submits IND on DG051 for the Prevention of Heart Attack
June 29, 2006 deCODE genetics (Nasdaq: DCGN) today announced that it has submitted an investigational new drug application (IND) to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for DG051, the company's follow-on investigational compound for the prevention of heart...
deCODE Announces Positive Results from Preliminary Phase II Clinical Trial of CEP-1347 in Asthma
June 24, 2006 deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced positive results from its preliminary Phase II clinical trial (Phase IIa) of Cephalon Inc.’s (Nasdaq: CEPH) CEP-1347 in asthma. Data on patients receiving active drug in the trial were consistent with a...
deCODE Study Links Gene Variant to Risk of Breast Cancer
June 20, 2006 A population-based study by a team of deCODE scientists and colleagues at Iceland’s National University Hospital published today provides a detailed look at the impact of a gene variant on risk of breast cancer. The variant is within a gene called BARD1...
deCODE Initiates Phase III Trial for DG031 for the Prevention of Heart Attack
May 17, 2006 deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the initiation of patient enrollment in the pivotal Phase III trial for DG031, deCODE’s lead developmental compound for the prevention of heart attack. “This is an important study for deCODE and a small...
deCODE and Illumina Form Alliance to Develop and Commercialize DNA-based Diagnostics
May 15, 2006 deCODE and Illumina Form Alliance to Develop and Commercialize DNA-based Diagnostics Companies to initiate work on molecular diagnostics for the risk of heart attack, type 2 diabetes and breast cancer Illumina to install large-scale genotyping system and...
deCODE Discovers Major Genetic Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer
May 7, 2006 Milestone in cancer genetics: a common genetic variant conferring significant risk of a common cancer in the general population Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) along with academic colleagues in Iceland, the US and Sweden today report the...
deCODE Announces Special Protocol Assessment Agreement with the FDA for Phase III Clinical Trial of DG031
May 3, 2006 deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has reached an agreement with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the design of its Phase III clinical trial for DG031, deCODE’s lead developmental compound for the prevention of heart attack....
deCODE Successfully Completes Phase I Clinical Program for DG041 for the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease
February 21, 2006 deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced top-line results from Phase I clinical studies of DG041, the company's developmental compound for the treatment of peripheral artery disease (PAD). The company has completed the Phase I studies of DG041...
deCODE Expands Cancer Program through Acquisition of Icelandic Cancer Research Group
January 18, 2006 deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced its acquisition of privately-held Icelandic cancer research firm Urdur, Verdandi Skuld (UVS). The acquisition enables deCODE to broaden and enhance its cancer program by applying the company's unique gene...
deCODE Discovers Major Genetic Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes
January 15, 2006 In a scientific paper published today a team of scientists from deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and colleagues report the discovery of a variant in a gene on chromosome 10 that represents the most significant genetic risk factor for type 2 diabetes...
deCODE Describes Genetic Risk Factor for Heart Attack Conferring Particularly High Risk in African Americans
November 10, 2005 Major discovery with rapid applicability to the development of new medicine Reykjavik, ICELAND, November 10, 2005 – A paper by a deCODE-led team of scientists published today presents the discovery of a gene variant conferring increased risk of...
deCODE Launches Phase II Clinical Trial in Asthma
Reykjavik, ICELAND, May 18, 2005 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has begun dosing of patients in a Phase II clinical trial in asthma. deCODE has isolated a gene which plays an important role in the development of asthma. The gene encodes a...
deCODE Paper in JAMA Describes Efficacy of DG031 in Controlling Key Indicators of Risk for Heart Attack
Reykjavik, ICELAND, May 10, 2005 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the publication of a landmark article by a team of its scientists presenting the results of Phase II clinical studies of DG031, the company’s lead compound being developed for the...
deCODE Initiates Enrollment in Phase I Clinical Trial of DG041 for atherosclerosis
Reykjavik, ICELAND, March 9, 2005 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has begun enrolling subjects in a Phase I clinical trial for DG041, the company’s developmental compound for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the extremeties, commonly known...
Discovery of Ancient Genetic Inversion Enables Direct Glimpse of Natural Selection in Action in Humans
January 16, 2005 – In a paper published in the online edition of Nature Genetics, deCODE scientists describe the discovery of a large and ancient stretch of inverted sequence on chromosome 17. The characteristics and geographic prevalence of this inversion, analyzed...
deCODE Submits IND for Novel Anti-atherosclerosis Compound DG041
Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 13, 2005 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) has submitted an investigational new drug application (IND) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for DG041, a novel, first-in-class, orally-administered small molecule for the treatment of...
Major Population-based Study Points to Inherited Risk for Lung Cancer
December 22, 2004 Smoking plays a dominant role in the development of the disease, but genetic factors appear to establish increased susceptibility that goes beyond the nuclear family In a paper published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association...
deCODE Study Provides Detailed Portrait of Population Structure and its Relevance to Genetics Research
December 19, 2004 A major study by deCODE scientists of the geographic distribution of genetic variability in the Icelandic population has been published in the online edition of Nature Genetics. The paper by Agnar Helgason, et al., is entitled “An Icelandic example...
deCODE to Conduct Phase II Clinical Trial in Asthma
Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 17, 2004 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq: DCGN) today announced the signing of an agreement under which it will conduct a Phase II information-rich clinical trial next year of a third-party compound as part of a drug development program in...
deCODE Study Details Familial Risk for Cancer
December 4, 2004 A deCODE study just published in Public Library of Science (PloS) Medicine provides the most comprehensive analyses to date of the importance of inherited risk factors for the most common forms of cancer. The results indicate that increased risk of...
deCODE Announces Positive Results from Phase IIa Clinical Trial of DG031
• Study achieves primary endpoints; DG031 shown to be well-tolerated and to significantly reduce levels of leukotriene B4 and myeloperoxidase • First ever clinical trial based upon the isolation of a disease gene in a common disease Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 19,...
Landmark deCODE Study Links Recombination Rate with Fertility: A Mechanism for Increasing Human Diversity
October 3, 2004 October 3, 2004 - In a paper published today in the online edition of Nature Genetics, a deCODE-led team of scientists present the results of a large-scale population study linking recombination rate with maternal age and fertility. In the paper,...
deCODE Completes Enrollment for Phase IIa Clinical Trial of DG031
Study to conclude in late August; data will be used in the design of an information-rich Phase III study for the prevention of heart attack Reykjavik, ICELAND, June 18, 2004 ― deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced the completion of enrollment for its ten-week,...
deCODE Study Identifies First Gene Linked to Significant Risk of Common Form of Heart Attack
February 6, 2004 Gene encoding FLAP also confers risk for stroke; discovery pinpoints common biological mechanism underlying two of the world’s biggest public health challenges In a paper published in the online edition of Nature Genetics, a deCODE-led team of...
deCODE and The Simons Foundation Launch Major Population-based Study of the Genetics of Autism
January 7, 2004 Reykjavik, ICELAND, January 7, 2004 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) and The Simons Foundation, a New York-based organization supporting advanced research in the basic sciences, today announced the launch of the first ever population-based study of the...
deCODE Isolates Two Major New Obesity Genes under Alliance with Merck
Common forms of these genes confer significant predisposition to obesity Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 11, 2003 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has isolated two new genes as part of its alliance with Merck & Co, Inc. to develop drugs for the...
deCODE Licenses Developmental Compound, Expects to Start Enrollment for Phase II Clinical Trial in Myocardial Infarction at the Beginning of Next Year
Reykjavik, ICELAND, November 17, 2003 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) today announced that it has acquired an exclusive worldwide license from Bayer AG to develop and commercialize a small molecule compound. The compound is active against a key target, located within...
deCODE and Roche Diagnostics Announce Discovery of Significant Genetic Risk Factors for Heart Attack DNA-based diagnostics applying these findings may enable more targeted, individualized prevention strategies
Reykjavik, ICELAND, and Basel, SWITZERLAND, October 17, 2003 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) and Roche Diagnostics today announced a landmark discovery under their alliance to develop DNA-based diagnostic tests for common diseases. deCODE scientists have...
deCODE Announces Milestone in its Obesity Alliance with Merck
deCODE has discovered a gene with certain variations that predispose to obesity and others that predispose to thinness Reykjavik, ICELAND, September 30, 2003 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) today announced that it has achieved a milestone under its...
deCODE Study Identifying the First Gene Ever Linked to Common Forms of Stroke Published in Nature Genetics
September 23, 2003 deCODE has identified both at-risk and pretective haplotypes within the PDE4D gene, and is applying its findings to develop novel drugs and diagnostics deCODE’s landmark study in the genetics of stroke, identifying the first gene ever linked to...
deCODE’s RoboHTC™ System to Support AstraZeneca’s Structure-based Drug Design Capabilities
RoboHTC is an integrated hardware and informatics solution for designing, generating, imaging, storing and annotating protein crystallization experiments Reykjavik, ICELAND, April 8, 2003 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) today announced that AstraZeneca...
deCODE and Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Launch Landmark Effort to Develop Effective Treatment for SMA
deCODE enlisted to carry out the latest stage in one of the most aggressive drug development drives ever undertaken by a family-based patients’ organization Reykjavik, ICELAND, and Libertyville, ILLINOIS, February 12, 2003 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN)...
deCODE Locates First Gene Ever Linked to Psoriatic Arthritis
Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 13, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) announced today that team of deCODE scientists has mapped to a small segment of chromosome 16 a gene contributing to psoriatic arthritis. This represents the first genetic factor...
deCODE Replicates Schizophrenia Findings in Second Population
Reykjavik, ICELAND, December 13, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) announced today that a large association study carried out by its scientists and colleagues in Scotland has confirmed the significant link between the Neuregulin 1 gene and...
deCODE and Wyeth in Pharmacogenomics Collaboration
deCODE will apply its expertise in in vitro pharmacogenomics to provide gene expression data in relation to a Wyeth candidate treatment for respiratory disease Reykjavik, ICELAND, November 20, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) today announced the...
deCODE Generates First X-ray based, 3-D Image of How Important Anti-cancer Drug Works
Highlights deCODE’s capabilities in structural biology and x-ray protein crystallography; may enable design of more effective anti-cancer compounds Reykjavik, ICELAND, November 11, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) today announced that scientists from...
deCODE and Merck Form Landmark Alliance in Obesity
Alliance brings together world-leading capabilities in genetics and drug development to speed the discovery of new treatments Reykjavik, ICELAND, September 27, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) and Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE:MRK) today announced the...
deCODE Publishes Landmark Study Linking the Neuregulin 1 Gene to Schizophrenia
Research yields promising drug targets impacting underlying biology of the disease; Findings form the basis of deCODE’s most advanced drug discovery program Reykjavik, ICELAND, July 24, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) today announced the publication...
deCODE Announces Fundamental Discoveries in the Genetics and Pharmacogenomics of Asthma and Allergy
Discoveries will be used to develop novel diagnostic tools and therapies for asthma and allergies, and to optimize patient benefit from existing drugs Reykjavik, ICELAND, July 17, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) today announced that its scientists...
deCODE Announces Mapping of a Hypertension Gene on Chromosome 18
deCODE study published this month reveals the strongest genetic linkage ever found to the common form of the condition. Reykjavik, ICELAND, June 26, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) today announced that a team of its scientists has located a gene...
deCODE Publishes High-resolution Genetic Map of the Human Genome
· Landmark study creates "user’s guide" to the human genome; will aid in finalizing the assembly of the genome and in applying genomics to create better medicine. · Leverages deCODE’s genealogical resources, genotyping capabilities and software; results and data made...
Genetic link to endometriosis – unique Icelandic study provides further proof
February 28, 2002 A woman has more than five times the normal risk of developing endometriosis if her sister has the disease, according to research published today (Thursday 28 February) in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal, Human Reproduction*. Moreover,...
deCODE and Roche Announce Mapping of Gene Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis
The discovery points the way to new predictive diagnostic markers and drug targets for RA Reykjavik, ICELAND and Basel, SWITZERLAND, November 29, 2001 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) and Roche today announced that deCODE scientists have mapped the first...
deCODE Locates First Gene Linked to Late-onset Parkinson’s Disease
Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 23, 2001 ¾ Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) have successfully mapped a gene contributing to late-onset Parkinson’s disease, the first genetic factor ever mapped for the most common form of the disease. The company...
deCODE and Roche Announce the Location of Genes Linked to Obesity and Anxiety
Reykjavik, ICELAND and Basel, SWITZERLAND, September 11, 2001 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe: DCGN) and Roche today announced that deCODE scientists have mapped genes contributing to two of the biggest public health challenges in the developed world: obesity...
deCODE and Roche Announce Identification of Stroke Gene and Location of Gene Linked to Type 2 Diabetes
Reykjavik, ICELAND and Basel, SWITZERLAND, May 22, 2001 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Nasdaq Europe:DCGN) and Roche today announced two new accomplishments in their research alliance to characterize the genetic factors contributing to important common diseases. deCODE...
The majority of Icelandic female settlers came from the British Isles
Results of reasearch on the origin of the settlers of the North Atlantic islands Reykjavik 2. february, 2001 – For the last three years, deCODE genetics and Oxford University have been collaborating on one of the biggest research projects ever on the origins of a...
deCODE genetics and Roche Announce Identification of Schizophrenia Gene
Reykjavik, ICELAND, and Basel, SWITZERLAND, October 20, 2000 – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Easdaq: DCGN) and Roche announced today that scientists at deCODE together with psychiatrists from the Icelandic healthcare system have identified a gene linked to schizophrenia....
deCODE genetics and Roche Announce Milestone in Alzheimer’s Research
Reykjavik, ICELAND, and Basel, SWITZERLAND, August 18, 2000 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq/Easdaq: DCGN) and F.Hoffmann-La Roche announced today that scientists at deCODE have successfully mapped a novel gene that contributes to the occurrence of the common form of...
Roche Announces Mapping of Stroke Gene
March 29, 2000 Roche announced today that scientists at deCODE genetics, based in Reykjavik, Iceland, have reached an important milestone in their collaborative research on the genetics of common forms of stroke by successfully mapping a gene that contributes to the...
Reykjavik, September 19th, 1999 — deCODE genetics, Inc. announced today that they have identified a locus on chromosome 2p13 that contains a gene that is linked to pre-eclampsia in women — a condition that is indicated in an estimated three to seven percent of...
Decode Genetics and Roche Announce Progress in Osteoarthritis Research Program
Reykjavik, Iceland, March 26, 1999 — deCODE genetics and Roche announced today that scientists at deCODE have successfully mapped a gene linked to osteoarthritis to an area on a human chromosome. This finding will focus further efforts aimed at identifying this gene...
Icelandic Genomics Company Identifies Location of Gene for Essential Tremor
Reykjavik, ICELAND, August 25, 1997 — deCODE genetics today announced the publication of a scientific paper in the current issue of Nature Genetics (vol. 17) that describes the localization of a gene, FET1, responsible for familial essential tremor (FET) to human...