The inaugural meeting of
The Nordic Society for Precision Medicine
The pathogenesis of most common diseases is often complex and they can be caused by disruptions of multiple biochemical pathways. Recent advances in biomarker technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for the stratification of diseases and traits into subclasses, which may yield more effective solutions for prevention, treatment and cure.
Cohorts and scientists from the Nordic countries have been at the forefront of the major discoveries made in the genomics of common diseases for more than a decade. Harnessing this Nordic potential requires the unification of resources, infrastructures and expertise.
A Nordic group was formed in 2016 to take stock of and discuss the future of precision medicine in the Nordic region, holding its 3rd and 4th meetings in Copenhagen on 9-11 May 2017 and Malmö on 4-5 December 2017.
Through lectures by leading scientists and policy makers, the 5th meeting of this Nordic Precision Medicine Initiative (NPMI) will be held in Reykjavík on 7-8 June 2018. It will focus on human genetics and the implementation of already existing capabilities and discuss the implications, both for the quality and the economics of health care.
The NPMI will launch a new association, The Nordic Society for Precision Medicine, at the meeting.
7 June 09:00 to 8 June 2018 12:00
deCODE genetics, Sturlugata 8, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Human Genetics:
the Foundation of Precision Medicine
The list of speakers (in alphabetic order):
Davíd O. Arnar, University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland
Myles Axton, Nature Genetics
Heidi Beate Bentzen, University of Oslo, Norway
Mark Daly, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Helsinki
Paul Franks, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
Eivind Hovig, University of Oslo, Norway
Birgir Jakobsson, Ministry of Welfare, Iceland
Jens Lundgren, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark
Peter Løngreen, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby
Lili Milani, Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu
Aarno Palotie, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Helsinki
Kári Stefánsson, deCODE genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland
Camilla Stoltenberg, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo
Patrick Sullivan, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Dag Erik Undlien, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Thomas Werge, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Valtteri Wirta, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Submission of posters is closed.
Block bookings were made at four hotels in Reykjavik, Radisson Blu Saga Hotel, Radisson Blu 1919 Hotel, Canoby by Hilton Reykjavik Hotel and Reykjavik Natura Hotel. The booking links expired on 30 April.
Registration is now closed.

deCODE genetics | Sturlugata 8 | 101 Reykjavik | Iceland | Phone +354 570 1900