Jonsdottir AB, Sveinbjornsson G, et al. Missense variants in FRS3 affect body mass index in populations of diverse ancestries. Summary data (23 GB)
Thorgeir E. Thorgeirsson. Rare loss-of-function variants in HECTD2 and AKAP11 confer risk of bipolar disorder. Summary data (3.9 MB)
Gunnar Palsson. Complete human recombination maps. Summary data (23 GB)
Sigurgeir Ólafsson. A meta-analysis identifies driver genes and characterizes the molecular epidemiology of colorectal cancer. Summary data (231 MB)
Hildur M, Aegisdottir. Genome-Wide Association Study of Accessory Atrioventricular Pathways. Summary data (3.12 GB)
Thorunn A, Olafsdottir et al. Sequence variants influencing the regulation of serum IgG subclass levels. Summary data (2.9 GB)
Oddsson A et al. Homozygosity for a stop-gain variant in CCDC201 causes primary ovarian insufficiency. Summary data (2.53 GB)
Westergaard D, Steinthorsdottir V, et al. Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies five loci associated with postpartum hemorrhage. Summary data (2.67 GB)
Saevarsdottir et al. Start codon variant in LAG3 is associated with decreased LAG-3 expression and increased risk of autoimmune thyroid disease. Summary data (1.36 GB)
Arnadottir et al. The rate and nature of mitochondrial DNA mutations in human pedigrees. Summary data (740 MB)
Skuladottir et al. GWAS meta-analysis reveals key risk loci in essential tremor pathogenesis. Summary data (417 MB)
Thorolfsdottir et al. Variants at the Interleukin 1 Gene Locus and Pericarditis. Summary data (959 MB)
Sigurpalsdottir et al. A comparison of methods for detecting DNA methylation from long-read sequencing of human genomes. Summary data (10.8 GB)
Stefansson et al. The correlation between CpG methylation and gene expression is driven by sequence variants. Read me file (7 KB). Summary data (68.9 MB).
Styrkarsdottir et al. Obesity Variants in the GIPR Gene are not Associated With Risk of Fracture or Bone Mineral Density. Supplementary material (50KB).
Valgerdur Steinthorsdottir. Variant in the synaptonemal complex protein SYCE2 associates with pregnancy loss through effect on recombination. Summary data (1.3GB)
The UK Biobank Whole-Genome Sequencing Consortium. Whole-genome sequencing of half-million UK Biobank participants. Summary Data (14GB)
Stacey et al. Genetics and Epidemiology of Clonal Hematopoiesis. Read me file (2 KB), Summary data (14.8GB).
Bjornsdottir et al. Rare variants with large effects provide functional insights into the pathology of migraine subtypes, with and without aura. Summary Data (9.1 GB)
Grímur Hjörleifsson Eldjarn, Egil Ferkingstad et al. Large-scale plasma proteomics comparisons through genetics and disease associations Summary data (19.7 TB).
Audunn S. Snaebjarnarson et al. Complex effects of sequence variants on lipid levels and coronary artery disease. Read me file (1 KB) Summary data (list).
Kristmundsdottir, S et al. Sequence variants affecting the genome-wide rate of germline microsatellite mutations. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (4.4 GB).
Kristjansson, R et al. Sequence variant affects GCSAML splicing, mast cell specific proteins, and risk of urticaria. Readme file (1 KB). Summary data (673 MB).
Gisladottir, R. et al. Sequence variants affecting voice pitch in humans. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (546 MB).
Styrkarsdottir, et al. Meta-analysis of erosive hand osteoarthritis identifies four common variants that associate with relatively large effect. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (1 GB).
Aegisdottir et al. Genetic variants associated with syncope implicate neural and autonomic processes. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (300 MB).
Nawaz MS, Einarsson G, Thirty novel sequence variants impacting human intracranial volume. Summary data (891 MB)
Ghouse J, Tragante V, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 93 risk loci and enables risk prediction equivalent to monogenic forms of venous thromboembolism. Read me file (1 KB), US (280 MB), DK (200 MB), IS (300 MB), meta (220 MB).
Henkel, et al. Genome-wide association meta-analysis of knee and hip osteoarthritis uncovers genetic differences between patients treated with joint replacement and patients without joint replacement. Read me file (2 KB). Osteoarthritis hip joint replacement (660 MB), Osteoarthritis hip without hip joint replacement (660 MB), Osteoarthritis knee joint replacement (660 MB), Osteoarthritis knee without knee joint replacement (660 MB).
Sveinbjornsson, G. Multiomics study of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Read me file (1 KB), Summary data (list).
Olafsdottir, T.A and Bjarnadottir, K. HLA alleles, disease severity, and age associate with T-cell responses following infection with SARS-CoV-2. Read me file (1 KB), Summary data (148 KB), Auto Gater (40 KB).
Halldorsson, B.V. et al. The sequences of 150,119 genomes in the UK biobank. Summary data.
Oskarsson, G.R., et al. Genetic architecture of band neutrophil fraction in Iceland. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (650 MB).
Saevarsdottir S. et al. Multi-omics analysis of rheumatoid arthritis yields sequence variants that have large effects on risk of the seropositive subset. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (1 GB). Seronegative (1 GB). Seropositive (1 GB).
Skuladottir A.Th., et al. A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 50 genetic loci associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (1 GB).
Bjornsdottir, G. et al. Rare SLC13A1 variants associate with intervertebral disc disorder highlighting role of sulfate in disc pathology. Read me file (1 KB). Dorsalgia (870 MB). IDD (870 MB).
Ferkingstad, E. et al. Large-scale integration of the plasma proteome with genetics and disease. Summary data (list).
Extra annotation (430 MB). Excluded variants (52 MB) Read me file (2 KB).
Thorolfsdottir, et al. Genetic insight into sick sinus syndrome. Summary data (450 MB). Read me file (1 KB).
Didriksen, M. et al. Large genome-wide association study identifies three novel risk variants for restless legs syndrome. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (360 MB).
Skuladottir A. Th., et al. A meta-analysis uncovers the first sequence variant conferring risk of Bell‘s palsy. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (550 MB).
Skuladottir A.Th., et al. A genome-wide meta-analysis uncovers six sequence variants conferring risk of vertigo. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (1,5 GB).
Mikaelsdottir EK, et al. Genetic variants associated with platelet count are predictive of human disease and physiological markers. Read me file (1 KB), PRS weights Iceland (5 MB), PRS weights UKB (5 MB), Meta (980 MB).
Dowsett J. et al. Eleven Genomic Loci Affect Plasma Levels of Chronic Inflammation Marker Soluble Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Receptor. Communications Biology, 2021. Read me file (1 KB). Summary data (900 MB).
Juliusdottir, T., et al. Distinction between the effects of parental and fetal genomes on fetal growth. Read me file (1 KB). Birthlength.gz (570 MB), Birthweight.gz (620 MB), Birthweight_offspring_mothers.gz (610 MB), Birthweight_offspring_fathers.gz (620 MB), Poinderal_index.gz (620 MB).
Bell S, et al. A genome-wide meta-analysis yields 46 new loci associating with biomarkers of iron homeostasis. Read me file (2 KB). Ferritin (450 MB), serum iron (450 MB), TIBC (450 MB), TSAT (450 MB).
Olafsdottir, T. et al. Loss-of-Function Variants in the Tumor Suppressor Gene PTPN14 confer increased Cancer Risk. Summary data (200 KB)
Gisladottir, R., et al. Sequence variants in TAAR5 and other loci affect human odor perception and naming. Summary data (8 GB).
Olafsdottir T, et al. Genome-wide association identifies seven loci for pelvic organ prolapse in Iceland and the UK Biobank. Summary data (700 MB).
Oskarsson, et al. Predicted loss and gain of function mutations in ACO1 are associated with erythropoiesis. Summary data (700 MB).
Saevarsdottir, et al. FLT3 stop mutation raises FLT3 ligand and autoimmune thyroid disease risk. Summary data (850 MB).
Olafsdottir T.A., et al, Eighty-eight variants highlight the role of T cell regulation and airway remodeling in asthma pathogenesis. Summary data (570 MB).
Liyanarachchi, et al. Assessing thyroid cancer risk using polygenic risk scores. Summary data (13 MB).
Norland, K. et al. Sequence variants with large effects on cardiac electrophysiology and disease. Summary data (47 GB).
Styrkarsdottir, U et al. GWAS of bone size yields twelve loci that also affect height, BMD, osteoarthritis or fractures. Summary data.
Bjornsdottir, G. et al. A PRPH splice-donor variant associates with reduced sural nerve amplitude and risk of peripheral neuropathy. Summary data.
Helgadottir et al. Genome-wide analysis yields new loci associating with aortic valve stenosis. About (1 KB). Summary data (1 GB).
Gudmundsson et al. A genome-wide association study yields five novel thyroid cancer risk loci. About (1 KB). Summary data (190 MB).